Cell cultured meat and milk

The team at JUST, Inc, works on cell-cultured meat (Picture: JUST, Inc)

Barb Stuckey: 'When you talk about cells, you leave the realm of deliciousness...”

‘Cultivated’ meat could be the most-consumer-friendly term for cell-cultured meat, suggests Mattson/GFI research

By Elaine Watson

The term ‘clean meat’ is confusing (and carries the tacit implication that regular meat is 'dirty’), while ‘cell-based meat’ – a more neutral term favored by some startups – doesn’t poll well with shoppers. ‘Lab-grown’ is a food marketer’s nightmare....

Picture: Plant-based ground beef from Beyond Meat

Plant-based and cell-cultured 'meat' labeling under attack in 25 states

By Elaine Watson

Bills to prevent plant-based and/or cell-cultured products from being labeled as ‘meat’ or ‘beef’ have been introduced in 25 US states, and have already passed in states including Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, North...

Cargill invests in cultured meat business

Cargill invests in cultured meat business

By Aidan Fortune

US processor Cargill is to expand its presence in the alternative proteins market with an investment in cultured meat business Aleph Farms.

Picture: Gingko Bioworks

‘We’ve had pushback [over genetic engineering] for years now, but the conversation has to change’

Motif Ingredients CEO: 'The idea that technology may need to play a role in food is becoming more and more acceptable'

By Elaine Watson

If printing out DNA sequences that instruct yeast or bacteria to express proteins identical to those in eggs or milk in big fermentation tanks sounds a little ‘unnatural,’ consider how natural, sustainable, or indeed ethical, it is to continue to produce...

What should we call meat produced from animals cells without slaughtering animals? Picture: Mosameat

Mattson: 'The very existence of what's now known as clean meat is at stake here'

'Cell-based meat’ not the most consumer-friendly term, reveals GFI consumer research

By Elaine Watson

The Good Food Institute (GFI) has enlisted the services of food and beverage innovation firm Mattson to conduct further research into the best way to describe cell-cultured meat following the release of new data suggesting that the industry-backed term...

Picture: MosaMeat

USDA and FDA to host joint public meeting on cell cultured meat

By Elaine Watson

The USDA and the FDA will host a joint meeting on October 23-24, 2018 on cell-based meat – meat produced by culturing animal cells outside of an animal – to thrash out how the sector might be regulated and how such products should be described on food...

Clean meat start-up BlueNalu raises $4.5m to fuel its ambitions in ‘cellular aquaculture’

News in brief

BlueNalu raises $4.5m to fuel its ambitions in ‘cellular aquaculture’

By Elaine Watson

San Diego-based BlueNalu - which aims to make a splash in the cellular aquaculture field with cell-cultured seafood products – has raised $4.5m in a seed round led by New Crop Capital and joined by a coalition of 25 venture organizations and individuals...

Picture: Mosa Meat

Clean meat: How do US consumers feel about cell cultured meat?

By Elaine Watson

A new study exploring consumer attitudes to clean meat (meat cultured from animal cells outside of an animal) suggests that Americans are surprisingly open to the concept, particularly when presented with information about how ‘conventional’ meat is produced...

Paul Shapiro: 'An incumbent industry being threatened by new technology is hardly new...'

GUEST ARTICLE: Food fight over the M-word

By Paul Shapiro

American regulators have wrestled over how to deal with musicians’ use of the F-word in songs. News organizations have debated how to cover President Trump’s use of the S-word when talking about certain countries. But these days, the big debate seems...

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